2010年11月18日 星期四

'It's a God thing' - Delia Knox praises the Lord after walking again (with video) 美國福音歌手 Delia Knox 因意外癱瘓坐輪椅22年, 之後她結婚並繼續服事 神,最近神蹟發生在她身上.....她在一場復興特會中全然被 神醫治,她的丈夫第一次牽著帶她走回家...阿們 哈利路亞....

Delia Knox speaks of 'the God thing' of walking after 22 years

The Rev. Delia Knox, who lost the use of her legs after a car accident 22 years ago, stood and took some steps on her own. As the evangelist, the Rev. Nathan Morris, preached the gospel to a large, fervent crowd Friday night, Knox struggled up out of her wheelchair, accompanied by her husband, Bishop Levy Knox.

美國福音歌手 Delia Knox 因意外癱瘓坐輪椅22年, 之後她結婚並繼續服事 神,最近神蹟發生在她身上.....她在一場復興特會中全然被 神醫治,她的丈夫第一次牽著帶她走回家...阿們 哈利路亞....

2010年11月14日 星期日

Good Message from Rev. Donnaven Teo ( It's forbidden copying, please leave a word if you want to share. Thanks! )

Following in the Footsteps of Jesus
If you want to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, observe the following things about Him:
1. He never acted in haste. He didn’t make decisions in response to the pressure tactics of others. Skilled negotiators know that waiting is a weapon; whoever is the most hurried usually ends up with the short end of the deal. Waiting reveals the weakness in any plan, plus the motives of those around you. Your greatest mistakes will often happen because of impatience, so think long term.
2. He knew when to work and when to rest. In the storm on the Sea of Galilee the disciples sweated, but Jesus slept. In the garden of Gethsemane the disciples slept, but Jesus sweated. That’s because He knew when to work and when to rest. Knowing when to act and when to trust, what to give your attention to and what to leave in God’s hands, is a secret you must learn if you’re to do Gods will and not burn out. Nobody was busier than Jesus. Everybody wanted something from Him. The more successful you are the more people will reach for you. Jesus separated Himself in order to receive. He understood that you can’t give what you don’t have. Work means giving; rest means receiving. Jesus understood the balance; that’s why He accomplished so much in three short years. When you’re rested you think more clearly, you make better decisions, you see life through confident eyes, you accomplish more in less time, and what you build is built to last.
So stop your frantic rush. Following in the footsteps of Jesus means being led, not driven!
3. He knew He didn’t have to prove Himself. At the cross, sceptics said, If You are the Son of God, come down from the cross. His reaction? He refused to let their comments intimidate Him or alter His plans. He didn’t need their approval; He had His Fathers: This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased Matt 3:17.
4. He didn’t waste time answering His critics. Jesus made no reply, not even to a single charge to the great amazement of the governor Matthew27:14. Jesus responded to hunger, to need, to seekers, but not to people trying to trap Him. You owe nothing to a critic. Do not speak in the hearing of a fool, for he will despise the wisdom of your words (Proverbs 23:9 NKJV). Do you know why there’s never been a monument built to a critic? Because critics are spectators, not players!
5. He didn’t focus on the past, but the future. His mother was pregnant with Him before she was married. Only a few people knew the truth. Jesus grew up with this, yet He didn’t feel the need to explain it. Stop complaining that your family was poor, or talking about your limited education, or repeating stories of those who failed you, or advertising your pain, or meditating on your flaws. All of us are challenged in some way. Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing Isaiah 43:18-19. Satan discusses our yesterdays; apparently that’s the only information he has about us. Jesus discusses our tomorrows. So if you want to follow in His footsteps, focus on what’s ahead. ( By Pastor Donnaven Teo ) 

2010年10月27日 星期三

A Divine Revelation of Hell Chinese 卡特琳‧巴斯德牧師 卡特琳‧巴斯德牧師

A Divine Revelation of Hell Chinese 卡特琳‧巴斯德牧師 卡特琳‧巴斯德牧師


摘自天堂地獄啟示錄 International Christian Resources



  卡特琳‧巴斯德(Mary Kathryn Baxter)是生在查哈奴加(Chahanooga)美國東南部的田納西州(Tennessee)。她是在信主的家庭長大,當年紀還很小的時候,母親就教導她關於主耶穌和他的救恩。





  在一九七六年,她在白裡維時,上帝就給她啟示,主耶穌親自以人形向他顯現,也在異象、異夢和啟示中向她顯現。從那時起,她得到很多次主的特別顯現。在這些顯現中,主讓她看到了地獄中那些失落的靈魂所受到的巨大的折磨;她也得到關於天堂的異象,大災難時期的啟示,以及世界末了的事的啟示。在這一段時期裡,主耶穌一連四十天的每天晚上,都向她顯現。主耶穌告訴她,這些信息是要使全世界都知道的。 作者之聲








2010年4月28日 星期三

給未婚基督徒的一封信 from 寇紹恩牧師



























寇牧師、琪玫師母 敬上 2009.05.16

2010年4月27日 星期二

Chuck Pierce:What We Believe

In this season, you must know your belief system. In what do you believe? In whom do you believe? Everyone develops some sort of belief system for their life. Mine is the Word of God. In this season, we must rehearse the Word! What revelation has come to you? That revelation is what you must use to war in the world around you! We must meditate on what God says until the power of that revelation enters our bloodstream and cell structure. We also must learn to worship and minister in our homes. Doing so will allow our gifts to be activated in a new way in small groups. When the time comes that we are not free [to worship publicly in our church buildings], we will already know how to continue worshipping in our homes. Take the points below and use them to speak into your life and the environment around you.

I am asked often, “What do you believe”? This summarizes my belief system:

I believe the Bible is the Word of God!

Hebrews 4:12 says, "For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” (NKJ)

Romans 10:17 says, "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God." (NKJ) Therefore, I contend that if faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God, then faith for those who are lost, to be saved, comes by hearing the Word of God, and faith for those who are already saved to continue on to spiritual maturity, comes by hearing the Word of God.

I believe Father-God came as Spirit and hovered over a virgin and impregnated her. I believe the Son was then born to this virgin, named Mary, and grew in stature and favor with man. I believe that He came unto His own but His own did not receive Him. I believe that He overcame the power of sin in this world, and withstood all temptations that would be known to man. He presented who Father was to mankind. He then submitted Himself to Father’s plan, for me. He was then sacrificed, that I could be redeemed from the power of sin. I believe that He overcame death, hell, and the grave and now sits at the right hand of the Father. I believe His Spirit dwells among us to give us the same power to overcome all temptation, sin and decay of the world.

I believe that I can be a son and receive a full inheritance from Him. I believe that the miracle working power that was displayed by Jesus Christ, the Messiah, as He rose from the dead, is now working in the world today. It is available to each and every one who will submit to the cross they have been given. This power enables us to unlock our future, and walk in overcoming victory.

I believe His power is working in the earth to align and redeem nations, forming a joyful House of Prayer for each ethnos group. I believe this power continues to work to make Gentile and Jews into One New Man who will be presented to the Father. I believe that if I give my best, monthly, to HIM, I will move from blessing to blessing until blessings overtake me.

2010年4月22日 星期四

a father's love

a new friend, Tayuan's sharing ...

[中文字幕]英國星光大道選秀Susan Boyle唱『I Dreamed a Dream』蘇珊鮑伊驚艷全場

其貌不揚的Susan Boyle(蘇珊鮑伊)在星光大道上演唱,值得一看,也值得人們自我反省以貌取人的習慣!

2010年4月15日 星期四


很棒故事桌巾(轉載自Faith Lee)

2010年4月14日 星期三

The great salmon run from BBC programmes

Last week, my spiritual father just gave me a homework to search a project - the life of salmon journey. When I found some information from Internet, especailly these films that really make me feel so amazing - Perseverant power DNA is created in the Salmon fish by the creator our mighty God.  From this project that also inspires confidence in people's heart, and to wake people up.

In the ultimate purpose of life of the salmon is that returning back to the mountain streams where their lives began for spawning. Modern science has discovered some of the salmon's secrets, their journey seems even more miraculous. 

It's a journey of adversity whose the salmon swim toward in way upstream, climb up difficult water stairs, escape from sorts of predators. The salmon concentrate on battling way back that's why they don't eat anything also no longer interested in food along the whole way. In this such gaunt condition, the salmon still can leap over a distance nearly twice body length when meet some obstacles mostly they do, just as they have conquered all the other hurdles on their travelling to achieve the most important main mission - spawn offspring, at the ending moment which ushers in both life and death.

Julie's ministry in 傳神

My lovely boss, Julie preched in 傳神 this Sunday.
The subject is deeper in love with Jesus

Julie's preaching with love

JHOP team
JHOP team
JHOP team
Hi hi lovely Esther & Deborah, good job, I was moved by all of  your great testimonies
So cute and beautiful Esther & Deborah

2010年3月17日 星期三

Yeh.. oh.. a happy day with everyone ....

My lovely friend Wendy & Me

Wendy & me
Ps. Nathan, very anointed & cool like Donnaven 爸B.. hahha..

Cute Wendy my lovely friend
took many many pictures with cute Wendy

again,, both of us hahaha..

here, .. Wendy & Jubilee
Ha,,.. once again.. both of us ..




hey hey hey......
kiss kiss....
i love these pictures....
haha.. took a picture with Ps Nathan
hey hey hey...
hey hey cccc...  a warm day..

hahaha.... a happy day..

ahaha.. a funny day..
not my mum lah.. she is Queen Esther ... haha..
i didn't make up rah...
so cute Wendy... a  dear friend of mine...  
My lovely boss, Julie
My dear & lovely boss Julie
Wendy & Ps. Nathan
my dear dear ice cream friend Wendy .. haha..
We look like two penguins
two penguins
Esther & Ps. Nathan
Oh.. Ps. Nathan wore my sun glasses.. oh.. looks not bad unmm.. so cool...
Ps. Nathan & Jubilee
hey. hey. i look like a " swordswoman " but not a ninja.. haha.. 爸B, probably you know what i talk about.. haha..