In this season, you must know your belief system. In what do you believe? In whom do you believe? Everyone develops some sort of belief system for their life. Mine is the Word of God. In this season, we must rehearse the Word! What revelation has come to you? That revelation is what you must use to war in the world around you! We must meditate on what God says until the power of that revelation enters our bloodstream and cell structure. We also must learn to worship and minister in our homes. Doing so will allow our gifts to be activated in a new way in small groups. When the time comes that we are not free [to worship publicly in our church buildings], we will already know how to continue worshipping in our homes. Take the points below and use them to speak into your life and the environment around you.
I am asked often, “What do you believe”? This summarizes my belief system:
I believe the Bible is the Word of God!
Hebrews 4:12 says, "For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” (NKJ)
Romans 10:17 says, "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God." (NKJ) Therefore, I contend that if faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God, then faith for those who are lost, to be saved, comes by hearing the Word of God, and faith for those who are already saved to continue on to spiritual maturity, comes by hearing the Word of God.
I believe Father-God came as Spirit and hovered over a virgin and impregnated her. I believe the Son was then born to this virgin, named Mary, and grew in stature and favor with man. I believe that He came unto His own but His own did not receive Him. I believe that He overcame the power of sin in this world, and withstood all temptations that would be known to man. He presented who Father was to mankind. He then submitted Himself to Father’s plan, for me. He was then sacrificed, that I could be redeemed from the power of sin. I believe that He overcame death, hell, and the grave and now sits at the right hand of the Father. I believe His Spirit dwells among us to give us the same power to overcome all temptation, sin and decay of the world.
I believe that I can be a son and receive a full inheritance from Him. I believe that the miracle working power that was displayed by Jesus Christ, the Messiah, as He rose from the dead, is now working in the world today. It is available to each and every one who will submit to the cross they have been given. This power enables us to unlock our future, and walk in overcoming victory.
I believe His power is working in the earth to align and redeem nations, forming a joyful House of Prayer for each ethnos group. I believe this power continues to work to make Gentile and Jews into One New Man who will be presented to the Father. I believe that if I give my best, monthly, to HIM, I will move from blessing to blessing until blessings overtake me.
2010年4月27日 星期二
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