When JESUS CHRIST first sets souls to love Him, He wants them to see Him all the time, every moment, and if they are very much in earnest, they live that way-moment by moment. In the beginning of such experience most of the time they pray, praise, wait on God, commune, and often, if at work see Jesus in the soul. If they grow in this experience, and become vessels of God for His use, they begin to seek more for Him, and He comes more to them, for He does to all who seek Him from the heart. Also, He begins to draw their thoughts all the time-every moment-to Himself, causing them to find Him within. This is the beginning of the inward or deeper life. As soon as this change takes place, He then teaches, if He can make them to get it, either by teacher or by their light, how to "practice the presence of God"--that is, to keep the mind stayed on Jesus--each wandering thought, act, word or feeling being recalled (i.e., called back) by the will of the vessel in the love of God. However, this takes care. Often the mind lingers over a subject not of God. Turn the mind back to God. Words come not appointed by Him. Check such words at once, as soon as remembered. Look within and tell Jesus He rules, you will act, think, and speak as He would, and He will look after you to help you to be like that. Also, you need to watch and pray to be in God, wait in God, etc. To so live for a time makes the inward change to abide in anyone who will go down to thus live; but if you keep to this lowliness, rest, and faith, to be all the time in God so, then the voluntary act of dwelling in God, seeing God, thinking of God, and keeping in is done altogether by the Holy Ghost, which is the true inwardness called for in every Christian.
2009年10月20日 星期二
Aim to praise at all times-over all your mistakes and over all others' mistakes, over all disappointments, and peoples' blunders. As the feeling of disappointment comes upon you, you should be watchful - at once rise up against it, and keep clear of it, stop it, commit it to the Lord, let it alone, think away from it, speak happily, keep bright in countenance, never mind what happens, rest, and let it be in God's hands. Large trouble, small trouble, keen disappointment, light one, keep in praise and faith, and look away from it and yourself, to Jesus. You do not know what would happen to you if you would from day to day, hour to hour, moment to moment praise the Lord. It would eclipse all that you have ever seen. You would always see Him. There would really come into your being a marvelous change--delights in His own way, and His desires instead of the desires of the natural man, revelling in His presence, blessing and praising and magnifying His holy name. These are the ones who are overcoming and conquering.
Aim to praise at all times-over all your mistakes and over all others' mistakes, over all disappointments, and peoples' blunders. As the feeling of disappointment comes upon you, you should be watchful - at once rise up against it, and keep clear of it, stop it, commit it to the Lord, let it alone, think away from it, speak happily, keep bright in countenance, never mind what happens, rest, and let it be in God's hands. Large trouble, small trouble, keen disappointment, light one, keep in praise and faith, and look away from it and yourself, to Jesus. You do not know what would happen to you if you would from day to day, hour to hour, moment to moment praise the Lord. It would eclipse all that you have ever seen. You would always see Him. There would really come into your being a marvelous change--delights in His own way, and His desires instead of the desires of the natural man, revelling in His presence, blessing and praising and magnifying His holy name. These are the ones who are overcoming and conquering.
等候 神-羅炳森師母
我們眾人既然敞著臉,得以看見主的榮光,好像從鏡子裡返照,就變成主的形狀, 榮上加榮,如同從主的靈變成的。~哥林多後書三章十八節~羅炳森師母~
Waiting on God ~Martha W. Robinson~
Whenever you can, take a few minutes of just waiting on Jesus,-------- not necessarily praying but just waiting, looking into His face, desiring His presence. At first you may not seem to receive much; but if you take every opportunity, presently your soul will hunger for Him and the sweetness of Himself will come to you, and you will get like lovers, rather slip away with Him just for a minute or two than to talk, or read, or rest, or eat. And when you are tired, or rushed, or nervous, a few minutes with Him, in the stillness of His presence will rest you more than anything in the world.
If we looked at Jesus more, and ourselves, and our friends, and our trails, and our failures, and conditions of life, and the world, the flesh, and the devil less, we would reflect His image more and more; and the hardness and impurity, and temper, and selfishness would fade away, and tenderness, and purity, and gentleness, and love would take their places---- changing from glory to glory.
"But we all with unveiled face---- reflecting as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are transformed into the same image from glory to glory." II Cor.3:18(R.V.)
我們眾人既然敞著臉,得以看見主的榮光,好像從鏡子裡返照,就變成主的形狀, 榮上加榮,如同從主的靈變成的。~哥林多後書三章十八節~羅炳森師母~
Waiting on God ~Martha W. Robinson~
Whenever you can, take a few minutes of just waiting on Jesus,-------- not necessarily praying but just waiting, looking into His face, desiring His presence. At first you may not seem to receive much; but if you take every opportunity, presently your soul will hunger for Him and the sweetness of Himself will come to you, and you will get like lovers, rather slip away with Him just for a minute or two than to talk, or read, or rest, or eat. And when you are tired, or rushed, or nervous, a few minutes with Him, in the stillness of His presence will rest you more than anything in the world.
If we looked at Jesus more, and ourselves, and our friends, and our trails, and our failures, and conditions of life, and the world, the flesh, and the devil less, we would reflect His image more and more; and the hardness and impurity, and temper, and selfishness would fade away, and tenderness, and purity, and gentleness, and love would take their places---- changing from glory to glory.
"But we all with unveiled face---- reflecting as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are transformed into the same image from glory to glory." II Cor.3:18(R.V.)
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