Conference Videos

2010 3/12-3/14 Pastor Nathan Shaw conference in JHOP-House Of Prayer

Topic : 1. Wind Fire New Wine
            2. Three wells of revival in the human heart
            3. New covenant anointing

In the first night, many people were filled with Holy Spirit and immersed in the spirit of joy during the conference. One of testimonies by a middle age sister who got pneumonia and also hardly coughed up phlegm for a long time, and now she is healed, she told me that " when the spring of joy wells up from her inside , not only makes her laugh wildly as if winning a highest prize but also gets rid of the problem of expectoration " Halelujah... Praise the Lord our God who is an omniopotent doctor .. haha..

在這次風與火的恩膏蕭拿單牧師聚會中現場幾乎所有人都被喜樂靈充滿到不行,彩雲姐就是其中一個,,哈....她笑到跑來對我說她笑到好像中頭彩...哈哈...而且她經歷醫治,之前她得過肺炎但是痰咳不出來,當她笑到停不下來時,她發現積在她裡面一個"久痰"自動咳出來了...哈...榮耀歸給耶穌..祂是最厲害的大醫生...We love you, Jesus... hahaha..........

anyway,我們,或所有人真的應該好好好好的大笑一翻...........hahahahaha 哈哈哈哈............
God Bless you, He is good all the time.........!!!!

See.... the testimony is from this lady

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